Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Stipulation Hug.

At some point I took the point of not liking to be touched to the wrong level. Don't get me wrong, there are people who can touch me and I'm fine with it, and others who I just wish would quit giving me the bad shivers on my back. Strangers? No. Especially if it is followed with a "honey" or "sweetie." Then you might get my stink eye. Friends? Sure. Please. Hug the fucking crap out of me until my backbone splinters like a dry piece of wood.

Somewhere though, I said it enough where people will say, "Oops! Oh I forgot you hate being touched!" This came from my friend Dan whom I have known for 10 years. What the hell. I don't even remember telling him this. Yet we still hugged, and it was glorious. I waaaant to be hugged by Dan. We used to all the time. Maybe I sounded really serious. Then I'm getting it from everyone. Now no one wants to touch me and its giving me a complex and I feel like the hunchback of notre dame and I better go check the bell and make sure its shiny and nice and ready to be rung. I just pulled the cord and one of my teef fell out and oh boy its gonna go in my pocket for the toof fairy and gee oh whiz i'm gonna eat my mutton and drink my mead and then go watch them wash the horses down at the stalls. damn its fun bein quazimodo. (I obviously lost the zeal for this post.)

1 comment:

Walking Though Space. said...

I hugged you and I'll hug you again!