Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Most Everything.

Today I woke up feeling like I slept pretty well. I think that was thanks to the muscle relaxer I took in the evening. Boy, that thing at first made me feel wonky and laugh a lot, and then I was all nodding off, so I layed down on my couch with a book and was asleep in 10 minutes. It was a nice little 2 hour nap. I woke up feeling very rusty and confused and like my brain was taking a bit more time to tell my arms to move. When I checked the computer to see what was goin on, I saw Tracie on and we ended up talking over Skype which was nice. I thought I was going to be up later and get some art projects done, but the drugs in my body said elsewise and I konked out right away.

This morning was nice, sleeping in and not worrying too much. The car had been picked up yesterday from the Rally's parking lot, and nicely I still had all my wheels with my car! Hurray for a little justice in the world! I had to ride my bike to drop the keys off to the flat bed towing crew, and on the way home my pedal broke. Boo, injustice snaps its wrist in my face again!

My mom had to take me to work, and first we stopped at Kroger so I could fill my scripts. I have a lot more muscle relaxers. I mean, more than I will ever need. I might take one before bed tonight, but we will see. I might just take a Motrin 800, which reminds me, its time for my next dose. When you are used to having a car, your days off suck. Why? cause where I live, I'm too far from a lot of things that I normally want to do. My favorite bookstore is way far away, I can't go to the zoo, and right now my bike is not operating. 3 broken bikes, see how they don't run.

Normally I would go visit my friend's lil twin babies. I really don't want to stick at home. I need something fun to do. I have to think about a halloween costume too. Maybe I should work on some music. Grumpy.

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