Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chemotherapy Will Make You Grow.

My friend found out this week she has thyroid cancer. She's going to have to have an operation to have a chunk of golf ball sized cancer taken out of her neck and then has to follow it with chemo. The chemo that thyroid patients take basically makes them radioactive. So much to the point that sitting down on a toilet after she's used it could fizzle your fallopian tubes. I'm trying to cheer her up about it.

Michelle: yeah you might be radioactive.
Michelle: you probably will be. its not a big deal, just can't exactly sleep in the same bed with a child. probably a good thing.
Erin: lol right
Erin: i went to the oncologist today and he was like oh yeah you will be radioactive for sure
Michelle: yeah. for thyroid especially.
Erin: the nodule on my thyroid is like golf ball lol nice i suck
Michelle: make sure you flush when you peeeee
Michelle: turn out the lights and watch the bowl glow
Erin: lol i wonder about my pets tho
Michelle: you can scream that whenever someone asks you something
Erin: and how come i have to stay away from people yet im fine
Michelle: because you have the power, much like he-man
its the power of greyskull.
Michelle: ok?
Michelle: i didnt want to tell you, but i guess i should. they are injecting the power of greyskull in you.
Erin: yesssss
Michelle: you should buy a sword right about now.
Michelle: because you're going to have to use it, to kill terrorists.
Erin: am i going to be the next hiroshima?
Michelle: are you planning any trips to north korea I should know about?

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