Saturday, January 30, 2010


Gee that was really funny.

Friday, January 8, 2010

A Formal Letter

Dear Lesbian Stalker,

Please stop stalking me, okay? It is really weird. I mean, it is getting to be especially weird. I know we started off on a weird foot, but I'm pretty sure I ended it pretty clearly, and you need not keep plopping down next to me in the bar and forcing me into conversation. I really thought you were going to try and ruin my New Year's Eve, but I realized you just ruined it for yourself. Me? I had a great time! What a swell night, with my friends and all.

So please kick yourself in the teeth and leave me alone.

Sincerely and with no regrets,


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

You Know What?

I changed EVERTHING. And now everything is fucking amazing.

That is a secret code for those who know, which is like two people.
And I don't even know they read this, really.

So Sunday is the start of a brand new band. Its going to be Blast Yr Fucking Speakers, with Adam, Matt Jones, Jon Z, and myself. I'm hoping the practice on Sunday goes well, as its going to be totally a new endeavor for me. I always worry about working with new people. I felt a little bit of stage fright when Jon and Adam came over yesterday, but that might have been because Alicia was there, and it felt kind of weird just doing something that didn't include her at all. Either way, it was nice just to play with our machinery and see what we can make work.

All I know, is that its going to be the ultimate dance party band. Adam wants it so the music never stops and that its a consistency between songs of some sort of beat. I like the idea. He said, "Basically everything that SoBM and DDB didn't do." Past tense. Hmm.

My lips are really chapped and I'm not anywhere near my Burt's, so I've been suffering thus far for about 7 hours. Note to self, always have a handy tube nearby.

Going to the bar is awkward to say the least lately. I feel like daggers are being stuck into my back by too many eyes. There is nothing I can do about that, nor do I really care. I just know I don't deserve that, and truthfully, would rather have that sort of mitigated attention from that certain person than have a conversation with them. Thank God for small favors.