Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I've become obsessed in the nicest way with butternut squash soup. I crave it. I don't even want to eat anything but it, with some walnuts crushed up into it. Little chunks of nut with sweet soupy warmth. I also like peas. I like peas with a little bit of I can't believe its not butter...spray. I like to talk about food. I kind of want something sweet right now, but I'm not exactly hungry enough for that.

I want to get in my car and drive somewhere by myself and I want it to be warm enough where I can sit outside, but not warm enough where there will be bugs to irritate me. I feel like my brain is exploding with too much right now. Number one, ladies. Ladies ladies ladies. I'm going to write a song called that. Confusing, complicated, ladies. That would be the second line in the song. I feel badly because I'm not being the normal good girl, I'm being somewhat okay with letting someone have second thoughts in a relationship. Anddddd I know thats bad.

I mean, I'm not acting on it, but, and neither is she let's get that straight as a well drawn line, but its teetery tottery too many texts back and forth, too much talking, too much. She has a girlfriend, and that should be that. I should lay down the line and be like, hey, its fun but I'm no longer comfortable with it. Its nice though. I wish we could skip the uncomfortable edge right now and go into being good friends. Its nice to have a mutual attraction with someone.

BUuutututututututututttttttt we aren't doping a... I meant to write doing but doping is funny. We aren't doing anything wrong. It could have happened, but neither of us did anything because we have those oh so pleasant morals. Nice for once I met a girl who has them as well. While inconvenient for a good shebango, its better for the future of my integrity. Yes, it is still intact.

I know I'm vague.

Other other other, last night was crazy with "walrus slaps" and sexy cupcakes and meat sauce with hotdogs. Sheri said she gets The Meat Sweats, which make her greasy but cold. I said we should name a song or album that. Adam, Sheri, and I are starting a band, and we are going to use 1 2 F U. I know, I thought it up and its amazing and I'm well pleased with myself.

He just texted me that the fiery furnaces are playing at frankie's...perhaps I should go.

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